This is our founding principle. To design, make and supply wonderful handmade items, that are both useful and beautiful with minimum impact on the environment. This includes being fair to everyone involved, from the craftspeople who make them, to the customers who buy them. For over twenty years Wilstone and Kadai have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of amazing artisans and craftspeople, each with specialist talents and skills. Most are part of small family run businesses that we have seen grow, as we have grown, and we still visit on a regular basis. By doing this we personally know almost everyone who makes our products and have a relationship that has mutual benefit. This helps ensure that the principles of Fair Trade are adhered to and for us to add our own; including guidance, support and most importantly, appreciation. Handmade products take time, knowledge and great skill to produce, so investing in small businesses financially or with other support is our pleasure and we are always here to help our suppliers.
Every resource should be treated with respect and used thoughtfully. We try to only use natural, recycled or reclaimed materials and make sure that every product can itself be recycled or repurposed. Almost all of our packaging is easily recyclable and everything should be, as it's our belief to tread lightly on the planet and leave no waste. Also, by making our items by hand from natural materials, it reduces the need for large machines or industrial processes, thus keeping energy consumption to a minimum.
All our products are designed by ourselves with quality, functionality and practicality in mind, to not only last the test of time but also give value for money. We chose India to produce the majority of our products, as here they have a wealth of traditional skills, handed down from generation to generation. It's this that makes every product unique, characterful and a joy to hold. For who wants exactly what everyone else has? It's the slightly hand beaten in a different way, carved with a touch more detail, minor imperfections, the natural grain of wood or patina from recycled metal… that's what we love and makes our products what they are.
"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris